
Death has no power the immortal soul to slay,

That, when its present body turns to clay

Seeks a fresh home, and with unlessened might

Inspires another frame with life and light.

- Ovid's Metamorphoses




4 New Moon
8 Mercury conjunction Venus
12 Moon’s first quarter
14 Mars conjunction Jupiter
16 Mars square Saturn
19 Sun conjunction Mercury, Sun square Uranus, Venus square Jupiter, Venus opposition Saturn, Jupiter square Saturn, Full Moon
23 Venus square Mars, Sun enters Virgo
26 Moon’s last quarter
27 Venus trine Uranus
28 Venus opposition Neptune
29 Venus trine Pluto


Many years ago:

August 1

- Maria Mitchell: Maria Mitchell, the first professional woman astronomer in the United States, born this day in 1818. She is noted for her discovery that sunspots are whirling vertical cavities and not clouds.

August 2

- O'Tool: Irish actor Peter O'Toole, born this day in 1932.

- 1492: Christopher Columbus on this day in 1492 set sail on his first transatlantic voyage, departing from Spain, with three ships.

August 4

- Barack Obama, the first African American to serve as President of the United States, born this day in 1961.

- Louis Armstrong, an American musician and the leading trumpeter in jazz history, was born this day in 1901.

August 6

- Lord Alfred, Tennyson, the well-known English poet, was born in 1809.

- Phenomena Fort: Charles Hoy Fort born this day in 1874, was an American writer and researcher into anomalous phenomena. Today, the terms Fortean are used to characterize various such phenomena.

- Fleming: Sir Alexander Fleming, born this day in 1881, was a Scottish biologist, pharmacologist and botanist. His best-known discoveries are the antibiotic substance penicillin for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945.

August 7

- Alan Leo (born William Frederick Allan), a prominent British astrologer and theosophist, born this day in 1860.

August 8

- Zapata: Emiliano Zapata a Mexican revolutionary and champion of land reform, born this day in 1879.

- Minotis: Alexis Minotis, a distinguished Greek actor and director, was born 8 August 1898 in Deliana, Crete.

- Dirac: Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, born this day in 1902, was an English theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to the early development of both quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. Among other discoveries, he formulated the Dirac equation, which describes the behavior of fermions and predicted the existence of antimatter. Dirac shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1933 with Erwin Schrodinger, "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory".

- Dino De Laurentis, the well-known Italian film producer, was born this day in 1919.

August 11

- 3114 BC: The Calendar of Mayans begins.

- José Silva, an American parapsychologist and author of the "Silva Method" of meditation born this day in 1914. 

- Davis: Andrew Jackson Davis, an American spiritualist and theosophist, was born this day in 1826 at Blooming Grove, New York. The most remarkable of his works is The Great Harmonia (1850–1861), an encyclopedia in six volumes.

August 12

- Erwin Schrödinger, the Austrian theoretical physicist who shared the 1933 Nobel Prize for Physics for his contributions to the wave theory of matter, was born in 1887.

- Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a scholar of ancient wisdom, who along with H.S. Olcott established the Theosophical Society, born this day in 1831.

August 13

- Sir Alfred Hitchcock, the well-known film director, was born in London this day in 1899.

- Archbishop Makarios III, primate of the Autocephalous Cypriot Orthodox Church and first president of the Republic of Cyprus, born this day in 1913.

August 14

- Yannoulis Chalepas, a Greek sculptor and significant figure of Modern Greek art, was born in Pyrgos, on the island of Tinos in 1851.

August 15

- Napoleon, the future emperor of France, was born this day in 1769 on the island of Corsica.

- Sri Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher, yogi and guru, born in 1872.

August 16

- This day in 1960 the island of Cyprus became an independent republic.

August 17

- The Woodstock Music and Art Fair, that attracted 450,000 fans, ended this day in 1969.

19 August

- Bill Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, was born this day in 1946.

August 22

- Claude Debussy, a French composer, was born this day in 1862.

August 23

- Eleftherios Venizelos, a prominent and illustrious statesman as well as a charismatic leader in the early 20th century, was born in 1864. Venizelos elected several times as Prime Minister of Greece.

August 24

- Palestinian leader Yasir 'Arafat, have been born this day in Cairo in 1929. Arafat was president of the Palestinian Authority and co-winner of the 1994 Nobel Prize for Peace.

- Mount Vesuvius in Italy erupted on this day in AD 79, destroying the ancient Pompeii.

August 25

- Sir Sean Connery, the well-known Scottish actor, was born this day in 1930 in Scotland.

- Leonard Bernstein, an American composer and conductor, was born this day in 1918.

August 26

- Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, prominent French chemist, was born this day in 1743.

- Mother Teresa of Calcutta, commonly known as Mother Teresa born his day in 1910.

August 27

- Sri Chinmoy, a Bengali spiritual teacher and founder of the organization "Sri Chinmoy Centre", was born this day in 1931.

August 28

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German writer and poet, was born this day in 1749.

- Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who wrote novels, plays and essays. His two most famous works are War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Tolstoy was born this day in 1828.

August 31

- Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, educator and a noted humanitarian, best known for his philosophy of education, was born this day in 1870.


A Thought for a Day

 1. The man who neglects the truth he finds in his soul, in order to follow its dead-letter, is a time-server.

 2. He who does not recognize the bread and salt is worse than a wild wolf.

 3. Man who has not hesitated to project his image in space and call it the Creator, sculpted not to endow God with his own vices.

 4. He who has been once deceived, dreads evil, and suspects it even in truth.

 5. Krishna, the golden-haired god, replied not to the reviling of the King of Chedi. To the roar of the tempest, and not to the jackal's howl, the elephant trumpets a reply.

 6. Not the tender pliant grass is uprooted by the storm, but the lofty trees. The mighty, war only with the mighty.

 7. The sandal tree has snakes; the lotus tank, alligators; in happiness there is envy. There are no unmixed pleasures.

 8. No creature, no thing is free from evil. The sandal tree has its roots sapped by snakes, its blossoms attacked by bees, its branches broken by monkeys, its top eaten by bears. No part of it is secure from pain.

 9. Grieve not about thy sustenance; nature will supply it. When a creature is born, the mother's breast supplies milk.

 10. Who gave the swan his whiteness, the parrot his wings of golden green, the peacock his iris-hues? Will not that which provided for them provide for thee?

 11. All good fortune belongs to him of contented mind. Is not the whole earth leather-covered for him who wears shoes?

 12. This world is a venomous tree, bearing two honey-sweet fruits: the divine essence of poetry and the friendship of the noble.

 13. By the fall of water-drops the pitcher is gradually filled; this is the cause of wisdom, of virtue, and of wealth.

 14. Let one who would live in the memory of his fellow men, make every day fruitful by generosity, study, and noble arts.

 15. No plunge in clear cool water delights so much the heat-oppressed, no pearl necklace the maiden, as the words of the good delight the good.

 16. Good men vary. Some are like cocoanuts, full of sweet milk; others, like the jujube, externally pleasing.

17. Like an earthen vessel, easy to break, hard to reunite, are the wicked; the good are like vessels of gold, hard to break and quickly united.

18. Be not a friend to the wicked — charcoal when hot, burns; when cold, it blackens the fingers.

19. Shun him who secretly slanders, and praises openly; he is like a cup of poison, with cream on the surface.

20. A chariot cannot go on one wheel alone; so destiny fails unless men's acts co-operate.

21. The noble delight in the noble; the base do not; the bee goes to the lotus from the wood; not so the frog, though living in the same lake.

 22. Like moonbeams trembling on water, truly such is the life of mortals. Knowing this, let duty be performed.

 23. Bathe in the river of the soul, O man, for not with water is the soul washed clean.

 24. The pure soul is a river whose holy source is self-control, whose water is truth, whose bank is righteousness, whose waves are compassion.

 25. Of a gift to be received or given, of an act to be done, time drinks up the flavor, unless it is quickly performed.

 26. When the weak-minded is deprived of wealth, his actions are destroyed, like rivulets dried up in hot seasons.

 27. He who wants a faultless friend, must remain friendless.

 28. Eat and drink with your friends, but do not trade with them.

 29. Without trouble one gets no honey. Without grief and sorrow no one passes his life.

 30. Vinegar does not catch a fly, but honey. A sweet tongue draws the snake forth from the earth.

 31. What good is advice to a fool?